These difficult years have made us aware of our experience, capacity and the strength of those who have faced the market for over 30 years, always providing the right answers at the right time! To a solid academic preparation we combine great professionalism, constant experience in the field and great innovation in the processes. The concept that a “simple” dialectic ability or a “just” academic training in any way can replace the work “on the field”, in constant contact with the operators of international demand and supply, is now consolidated.

Our group of professionals alternates indoor work with the outdoor experience, spending over half of their professional life in destination management, promo-sells activities off-line (fairs, workshops, educational, meetings) and online, social, marketing, communication and training.



In a world where everyone knows everything now, we have decided to do it ourselves, but sharing the tasks! Not a group of “I have the solution for everything” but a marketing group made up of real experts in the single sector. We have done successful business in 62 different countries around the world: it is not just a record! Many companies that deal with our sector tell about the past. Our also speaks of the future: ours are projects with strength, with personality, with temperament, ideas that have maintained typicality but have been able to combine it with modernity. These are experiences to be implemented daily and throughout the year, where breaking the mold is not contradictory, but wanting to discover something “classic” in experiencing something new and intense. We are the step beyond marketing, advanced promotion, with the solidity of experience.

Our Team

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